MCQ : CT-02


65 yo male, history of CAD with previous anterior myocardial infarction, undergoing CT for atypical chest pain.

What do you see?
A – Heavy calcifications on LAD and RCA, mixed plaque with moderate stenosis on LCX, left ventricular apical thrombus
B – Occluded LAD stent, patent RCA stent, mixed plaque with mild stenosis on LCX, myocardium of the left ventricular apex with calcifications
C – Patent left main, LAD and RCA stents, mixed plaque with moderate stenosis on LCX, left ventricular myocardial apex with calcifications
D – Patent left main, LAD and RCA stents, mixed plaque with moderate stenosis on LCX, myocardium of the left ventricle apex and anterior wall with signs of adipose metaplasia

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