Web Site Revamped
The Cardiac Imaging Agorà web site has been completely rewritten to improve readibility with easily available contents.
Cardiac imaging academy video tutorials
The Cardiac Imaging Agorà web site has been completely rewritten to improve readibility with easily available contents.
What is the structure marked in this video?
CMR assessment of Myocarditis
Ilaria Dentamaro, MD
How could we scan coronary arteries in a patient with atrial fibrillation?
Lucia La Mura, MD
48years old man, with 2 syncopal episodes and frequent ventricular extrasystolia.
What do you think about the diagnosis?
Evaluation of rheumatic mitral stenosis with transesophageal echocardiography
Francesco Perone, MD
Neonate with cardiac murmur.
What’s your diagnostic suspicion?
80 yo patient, recent stroke
What is the most likely cause of the stroke?
Cardiac amyloidosis: Role of quantitative evaluation in nuclear imaging
Alessia Gimelli, MD
56 yo man, with dyspnoea on effort and vertigo.
Which is the best interpretation of these images?
Role of CMR in the mitral annular disjunction
Ilaria Dentamaro, MD
Incidental findings on AC imaging: a radiologist’s perpective
Michael Bolen, MD