MCQ : CMR-02
What do you think about the following cine-sequences?
Cardiac imaging academy video tutorials
What do you think about the following cine-sequences?
3 years old. Systolic murmur.
Which alterations do you recognize?
The most sensitive test to detect hibernating myocardium for recovery of LV function is:
65 yo male, history of CAD with previous anterior myocardial infarction, undergoing CT for atypical chest pain.
What do you see?
61 years old woman, episodes of chest pain, absence of coronary artery disease at ICA. No other diseases. No hypertension. No familial diseases Known. EKG: ST abnormalities in V4-V6.
Which is the best interpretation of these images?
Woman, 30 years old. Down’s syndrome. Dyspnoea on exertion.
Which alterations do you recognize?
72 year old woman, no risk factors Recent onset of Fatigue and dyspnoea.
ECG: Low voltage
Echo: Septal hypertrophy (13 mm), Diastolic dysfunction
Troponine I 45
BNP 301
Which is the best interpretation of these images?
60-year-old woman reports dyspnea due to mild exertion.
What do you think about this mitral valve?
60 year old patient, undergoing CT for atypical chest pain.
What do you see at the left ventricular apex?
75-year-old woman, hospitalized for NSTEMI. During hospitalization, the patient developed acute dyspnea.
What happened to the mitral valve?
PET/FDG use in patients with suspected endocarditis is:
40-year-old male performs an echocardiogram for the presence of systolic mitral murmur during the physical examination.
What do you think about the morphology of this mitral valve?